
Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 6: The M-Column & Y-Column

みなさん、こんにちは!How has your summer been so far? It’s quickly coming to an end for us here in Michigan, as our weather is starting to cool off a little bit now. Have you been studying your hiragana lately? I hope so, because today we will be learning two more columns, although, it will only be 8 hiragana today, instead of 10. Are you ready? Then let’s get to learning!

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Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 5: The N-Column & H-Column

みなさん、こんにちは!I hope you guys have been studying and enjoying your summer! Today will be your first duo Hiragana column lesson! That’s right, today you will not be learning only 1 column, but 2, at the same time. That means today we will be learning 10 new hiragana! Are you ready for this? I think you are, so let’s move forward shall we?

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Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 4: The T-Column

みなさん、こんにちは!I hope you all have had a fantastic week, and have been able to practice everything up until now. This weeks’ lesson is a little late, because my birthday was on Wednesday! I had a lot going on and had a lot of fun. I’ll do a separate post to talk more about my birthday, and what my ともだち Masaru sent to me. But, for now, let’s dig into the next lesson, shall we? Today, we will be learning the T-Column of the Hiragana chart!

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Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 3: The S-Column

みなさん、こんにちは!Happy Independence Day everyone! Today, American’s are celebrating our country’s independence and having barbecues and parties and just having a good old time. Me, however, I’m busy working hard for you guys. Don’t worry, I am more than happy to do this today. 🙂 I also wanted to quickly note, before moving on to the lesson, that the ability to leave comments was experiencing some issues, and those have since, been fixed apparently. So please, leave me a comment below so I know without a doubt that they are working! Now, on to the S-Column lesson!

Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 2: The K-Column

みなさん、こんにちは!I hope you guys have been enjoying this series so far, although, we still have a long way to go. I might have to do more than one of these a week, if we truly want to build up some learning steam, but we will see what my timetable allows. However, that aside, this week, we will focus on learning the K-Column of the Hiragana chart!

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Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Lesson 1: Vowels

Learning Hiragana Series - Lesson 1: Vowels

こんにちは! Are you ready to begin learning hiragana with me? This will be my first and most important hiragana lesson for you, as it will build up your ability to pronounce almost every other hiragana later on down the road. You see, today we will be learning the vowels, or 「あ、い、う、え、お」(A, I, U, E, O, respectively) column, and these five hiragana will be attached to almost every other hiragana found. These same vowels sounds will be repeated quite often with various consonants, so let’s learn these five hiragana perfectly before moving forward with more!

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Beginner Japanese Genki - Second Edition Hiragana Learning Resources

Learning Hiragana Series – Overview

Learning Hiragana Series - My Nihongo Journey

こんにちは! I will be putting together a series on learning hiragana, to not only help myself solidify the hiragana I have learned, but to also help guide you through learning hiragana as well. Learning hiragana ensures that the rest of your Japanese learning goes smoothly. To say that learning hiragana will create a foundation for your Japanese, would be an extreme understatement. You see, by taking the time to learn hiragana, you will be learning the very basics of Japanese pronunciation. This was the first step for my own journey to learning Japanese, and should be yours as well.

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Miscellaneous Personal

About Jessica & My Nihongo Journey

My Nihongo Journey - Jessica in her Yukata at Maybury State Park in Michigan.

Hello! My name is Jessica Dobbs, and I am the creator of this website – My Nihongo Journey. Nihongo is how you say, “Japanese Language”, in Japanese.

Here you will find that I write about my trials and successes throughout my journey pertaining to learning Japanese! I will try to focus primarily on sharing useful information to those who are also learning Japanese, while also sharing little bits of my personal life from time to time. (When it applies to learning Japanese.)

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